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Competing with competence

How to bring skills to the market without entering into competition.

Guides for professionals
Anyone operating in the digital market today knows how important it is to stand out from the competition in order to acquire new clients and strengthen their position. However, we also know how stressful and frustrating it can be to compete with other market players in an increasingly competitive, dynamic, and saturated environment with similar offers.

In this article, we want to discuss an alternative to market competition, a way to differentiate oneself without creating competitive situations with others, but by bringing skills that create value for our clients, and how this approach can lead to surprising and lasting results.

Table of contents





What does it mean to enter into competition?

Competing in a market means entering into a situation of rivalry with other market players, such as other companies or professionals, in order to gain a market share and acquire new customers.

This may involve efforts to differentiate oneself from the competition, offer products or services at competitive prices, or attempt to promote one's business more effectively than competitors. Market competition can stimulate innovation and improve the quality of products or services offered, but it can also be a source of stress and frustration for all players in the industry.



What does bringing skills mean?

A strategy to compete effectively in a market can be to focus on adding value through one's own skills.

Instead of focusing on direct competition with other market players, it is possible to differentiate oneself by offering a higher level of experience, knowledge, and expertise to one's customers.
This approach can lead to greater customer loyalty and an increase in the perceived value of the product or service offered, regardless of price.

Competing in the market should not be about winning or losing market share, but about creating significant value for customers.



Competing with expertise: the importance of bringing value

In an increasingly competitive market, the buzzword seems to be "competition".

But what does it really mean to be competitive?
Many think it means engaging in direct competition with other market players, but in reality, true competition comes from bringing expertise.

Being competent means having an in-depth knowledge of one's industry, staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies, having a long-term vision, and being able to adapt to market changes. These are the real skills that distinguish successful professionals from those who struggle to stand out.

Expertise is based on continuous education, field experience, and attention to detail.
A competent professional knows how to listen to customer needs and propose tailored solutions, manage projects and resources effectively, and communicate efficiently with their team and clients.

A competent professional knows how to recognize their own limits and when to seek help or collaborate with other professionals in the industry. Thus, competition becomes an opportunity to collaborate, learn from others, and constantly improve one's skills.

Furthermore, competition viewed in this light brings benefits to the entire market. When all industry professionals are highly competent, the overall level of service quality increases, and customers can benefit from ever more effective and personalized solutions.

Bringing expertise means offering high-quality service, meeting customer needs, and contributing to the progress of the market as a whole.

In summary, competition should not be seen as a fight for survival, but as an opportunity to stand out thanks to one's expertise.


Entering into competition:

  • One runs the risk of getting into a price war to beat the competition.
  • It can create a tense and rivalry-filled atmosphere with other market players.
  • One can lose sight of the main objective, which is to offer a high-quality service to one's clients.
  • One can end up focusing only on competition and neglecting continuous learning and staying updated on new technologies and trends in the industry.


Competence-based approach:

  • It allows offering high-quality services to customers, which stand out for their expertise and professionalism.
  • It fosters a collaborative environment with other market players, based on sharing knowledge and competences.
  • It can create a long-term competitive advantage, thanks to continuous learning and attention to new trends and technologies in the sector.
  • It contributes to the overall progress of the market by increasing the general level of quality of the services offered.


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Bringing expertise can be advantageous for market operators at a personal and professional level: being competent increases one's credibility and reputation, improving the chances of obtaining new clients and collaborations. In addition, continuous training and updating on new technologies and trends in the industry can stimulate creativity and innovation, allowing for increasingly effective solutions to be offered to clients.

In short, the difference between competing and bringing expertise lies in how the market is approached.

An approach based on competition may lead to short-term results, but in the long run, it risks limiting one's own and the market's possibilities as a whole.
On the other hand, an approach based on competence allows for high-quality services to be offered, constantly improving one's skills, and contributing to the progress of the market as a whole.


The mind that opens up to a new idea never returns to its original size.
Albert Einstein



Find your "purple cow"

Seth Godin in his book "The Purple Cow: Transforming your business by being remarkable" introduced the idea that successful companies do not just compete, but try to differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd. According to Godin, the purple cow represents an idea or product so unique and original that it attracts attention and stands out from the competition.

According to Godin, if we see a purple cow in a meadow, we will remember that cow much more easily than other cows that are all the same color.

In a world where markets are saturated with similar offerings, it is important to stand out and offer something truly unique.

The metaphor emphasizes the importance of focusing on those features that differentiate the company or professional from the competition. In this way, you create a unique and valuable customer offering that is based not only on price but on other factors such as quality, customer experience, or innovation

Bringing in expertise instead of trying to compete allows us to create this "purple cow" that will set us apart from the crowd and allows us to attract the right clientele who in turn struggle to find the expertise they need.