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Quotes creation


With Taskomat™ you can create quotes, send the PDF to your clients, and turn them into instantly workable projects. See in detail:



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Create quotes for each client


Taskomat™ allows you to create quotes to send to your clients. When creating a quote, you can add free cost items (e.g. licenses, living costs, products, etc.) as well as work units ready to be tracked once the quote is accepted. You can also create a quote directly within a project.



Quotes management


On Taskomat™ you can split the quotes by status: Draft (when you have not yet completed the document), Ready (when the quote is defined but has not yet been sent to the client), Sent (when the quote has been sent to the client), Accepted (when the client accepts the quote), Rejected (when the quote is rejected by the client). In this way you can analyze the amount of quotes still pending, the total amount of rejected quotes, etc.



Download PDF


On Taskomat™, whenever you create a quote, you can easily create a readable PDF document organized by cost items that you can download and save to your computer. You can customize the PDF of the estimate with a detailed description of the project, your logo and your client's logo. You can also add extra information at the bottom of the document, decide whether to show the hourly rate and add non-taxable cost items.



Send quote to client


Taskomat™ ti da la possibilità di inviare il preventivo in PDF direttamente al tuo cliente, senza bisogno di scaricarlo. Potrai comunque decidere di scaricare il PDF e inviarlo come preferisci. Se deciderai di inviarlo direttamente su Taskomat™, il preventivo verrà automaticamente contrassegnato come "Inviato". Se invece invierai il preventivo in altri modi, potrai comunque contrassegnarlo come "Inviato", così da tenere il flusso allineato.



Turn the quote into a project


When the client accepts the quote, you can mark the quote as 'Accepted' on Taskomat™. Once the quote is accepted, you can turn it into a new project or merge it with an existing one very easily. In this way, all the work units in the quote will be added to the project and are immediately ready to be worked on. 



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