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Summary of changes and improvements


Read the article Product Update - v1.19.8

    • added value by time worked or time quoted on tasks
    • added custom value override on tasks
    • added "default value by" to work units based on work unit type
    • added "default value by" management into work unit task list
    • added lateral collapsible KPI panel into planner section
    • custom task deadline
    • custom task hourly rate 
    • task planning available on task detail and mobile view
    • better hourly rate, avg hourly rate, real hourly rate and gap
    • better link/move action behaviour
    • better notify panel behaviour
    • better project detail UI
    • better client detail UI
    • better performance UI
    • better UI colors
    • showing completion date into work unit detail completed tasks list
    • showing planning date into work unit detail planned tasks list
    • toggle archived client into new invoice and new quote modal forms
    • a task can be started without being planned
    • a task can be completed without being planned
    • better turnover goal calculation excluding expenses
    • added estimated budget over executed into budget charts
  • FIX
    • broken quotes export
    • erroneous expired quotes notification on quote drafts
    • broken recurring tasks parent work unit data inheritance on creation
    • null client label
    • failing project and work unit aggregated data update on task completion
    • prevent multiple task timer requests into work unit detail
    • google translate causing js exception
    • task timer on document title glitch


v 1.19.0

Read the article Product Update - v1.19.0

    • Data Export
    • New filter panel
    • To-do list Task drag and drop and new UI
    • Mobile Insights
    • Mobile customer archive
    • Task schedule removal feature
    • Quote due date
    • Restyle navbar and sidebar
    • Skip tutorial
    • Customer name label
    • New invoice and quote validation system with more effective error messages
    • Toughened validation system for modal work unit creation window
    • Added "ENTER" as a hotkey to confirm on all creation forms
    • Improved client and project filing system
    • Improved colors and lighter layout shadows
    • Filter by skill in revenue insights


v 1.18.3

    • Added unexpected error page
    • Real-time report and notification to development team
    • Lightened client workload by 300x
    • Better task edit
    • Better add task panel behaviour
    • Better notification messages
    • Bettere Workflow UI
    • Missing labels and typos
    • Work unit visibility of unaccepted quotes linked to a project
    • Tooltip position of financial progress bars
    • Closing behaviour of modal windows
    • Broken responsive UI for small screens


v 1.18.0

Read the article Product Update - v1.18.0

    • Added parameters in configuration
      • local language
      • alphabetic supports
    • Alphabetical support for PDF
      • Cyrillic
      • Greek
      • Chinese
      • Japanese
    • Ability to reset a timer that has not started and completed
    • Ability to edit the log of a timer not started and completed
    • Mass delete recurring tasks
    • Improved real rate calculation
    • Work unit panel small screens graphic error
    • Currency calculation based on the local language


v 1.17.0

Read the article Product Update - v1.17.0

    • Bulk delete recurring tasks
    • Projects archive
    • Clients archive
    • Affiliate dashboard


v 1.16.0

Read the article  Product Update - v1.16.0

    • Creation of recurrent tasks
    • Added Projects description field
    • Added aggregated data in the "Task management" panel of the Work Unit detail
    • Improved UX component description
    • Keyboard shortcuts
      • Ctrl + Enter SAVE
      • Esc CANCEL
    • Text field character counter
    • Consecutive character recognition
    • Management of task creation errors from the side panel
    • Management of long strings without spaces, task and work unit names


v 1.15.11

    • Added software layer for data synchronisation between multiple devices
    • AppSumo lifetime deals
    • Dealify lifetime deals
    • Extended configuration and billing for international markets


v 1.14.0

  • UI for mobile devices


v 1.13.18

    • Lifetime deal 


v 1.13.16

    • Direct invoicing of an estimate
    • Added task description of Timesheet PDFs
    • Ability to edit payment and acceptance dates of Invoice and Quotations
    • Time zone management
    • Language expansion (English)
    • Invoice and quotation status tooltips added
    • Tax configuration based on status
    • Worldwide payment management
    • Removed unaccepted quotes from pending quotes
    • Fixed problem with Task completion in Planner
    • Fixed datepicker in Invoice and Estimate date selection
    • Improved aggregate data cache
    • Added missing language labels


v 1.12.2 

    • System for importing customers from CSV files
    • Incorrect identification of projects as non-editable in the customer detail has been resolved
    • Fixed missing relation between task and project in the action of adding tasks in a work unit of a quotation just after it has been accepted and linked to a project
    • Fixed incorrect notification of an invoice not paid a day in advance


v 1.11.8

  • UI RESTYLE > click here to read the restyle article <


v 1.9.6

    • promo 3 months trial unlimited for 24 hours after registration
    • promo flash snackbar
    • downgrade to free account
    • Improved UX checkout
    • Added licence with monthly billing


v 1.6.1

    • Added email verification flow
    • Multiple identities
    • Automatic account linking
    • Ability to generate Timesheets and export them as PDFs
    • Improved automatic recognition of invoice number in import functionality


v 1.3.0
v 1.2.1
v 1.0.2