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Taskomat Product Update

All the news for the release v1.19.0


New features

CSV Export

You can now export the data you manage on Taskomat to CSV so it can be used as you see fit on personal spreadsheets or other applications. You can export lists or individual entities, including Clients, Projects, Work units, Quotes and Invoices.

This functionality is embryonic but preparatory to implementing mass actions in lists in future updates.

Taskomat export


Sortable task to-do list

Now you can drag and drop sort the todo list entries in the Task detail modal window.

Taskomat todo list sortable


New filter panel

The new filter panel shows by default only current clients excluding archived ones. With a convenient switcher all archived clients can also be shown in the list.
Filters are applied only after confirming with the "Apply" button in order to make the selection more streamlined.

Taskomat task filters


Mobile insights and client archive

If you use Taskomat from a smartphone, the mobile version of insights and customer archive are now available.

Taskomat insights mobile Taskomat clients mobile



Improvements and bug fixing

Unplan task action

You can now easily remove a task's schedule without it remaining among the pending tasks. This functionality is not available for completed tasks.

Taskomat unplan


Quote expire date

In quotes you can now assign a quote due date.

Taskomat quote expire date


Restyle sidebar

Navbar and Sidebar with contrasting colors with memorized compact or expanded shape selection.

Taskomat sidebar


Skip tutorial

The initial tutorial can now be marked as completed without having to perform all the steps.


Client label

From this version forward you can give a label to your clients without billing information being used.



  • New invoice and quote validation system with more effective error messages
  • Strengthened validation system for the modal work unit creation window
  • Added "ENTER" as a hotkey to confirm on all creation forms
  • Improved client and project filing system
  • Improved colors and lighter layout shadows
  • Fixed skill filter in revenue insights




Tech aspetcs


We have updated the URLs that now use UUIDs (Universal Unique IDentifiers), this change is the first step needed to make Taskomat a securely shared work tool.

With this new way of identifying your resources on Taskomat, you can now reach your work units or tasks directly from a link.





It's been a while since the last Product Update: we have committed the last months of 2022 and the first months of 2023 to preparing Taskomat for the next evolutionary steps. The IT infrastructure has been completely rebuilt using the latest technologies, a very delicate and complex job that allows us to implement future developments quickly and safely.

Since the beginning of 2023 we have been releasing weekly incremental updates that, although not all of them bring visible changes, bringing us closer to Taskomat v2 in a secure and backward compatible way. 

From this update we will publish a monthly Product Update article where you can find all the changes and available new features we have released during the month.

In the next Product Update, in addition to changes preparatory to making Taskomat a collaborative tool, we will see a new section: the Kanban boards.

Stay tuned!


Until the next update,

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Taskomat VS Trello

Taskomat and Trello are in two different universes. In this article, we explore the similarities and differences between the two software programs.

Taskomat Product Update

All the news for the release v1.18.0: "under the hood" works